Nobel Laureate Festival

Nobel Laureate Festival celebrates the achievements and successes of the two nobel laureates of Saint Lucia - Sir William Arthur Lewis (January 23, 1915 – June 15, 1991) who won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 1979; and Sir Derek Walcott who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1992.

Nobel Laureate Festival, hosted annually during the month of January, features a number of activities including guest lectures, performances by students, and poetry. The Governor General is Chairperson of the Nobel Laureate Festival committee which comprises individuals from the public and private sectors including: Mrs Barbara du Boulay, Cultural Development Foundation; Mrs Lesley Crane-Mitchell, UWI Open Campus, St. Lucia; Ms Delia Dolor, DD Productions & Consultancy; Mrs Margot Thomas, St Lucia National Archives; Ms Esther Brathwaite, Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development; Mr Urban Dolor, Sir Arthur Lewis Community College; Mr Cyril Saltibus, National Volunteer Programme Coordinator, Office of the Prime Minister; Ambassador June Soomer, Ambassador to CARICOM, Office of the Prime Minister; Mr Ryan O’Brian, GIS/NTN; Mr Garfield Alexander, RSL 97; Mrs Dahlia Francois Options Design; Mrs Kieran St. Rose, Private, Mrs. Cecilia La Corbinière, Office of the Governor- General..

The theme for the 2017 Nobel Laureate Festival Programme of Activities is “Celebrating Execellence: Fostering National Pride.". If you have an idea for Nobel Laureate Festival 2017 that you would like the Nobel Laureate Festival Committee to consider, please send your ideas to National Nobel Laureate Festival coordinator Delia Dolor at or call 717-7979.

2017 Nobel Laureate Programme of Activities

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